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来源: 日期:2020-03-03 发布人:

  1 .产品未压延粉化

  1. Product not calendered and powdered
  Cause: the process ratio is unreasonable, and there is no film-forming material in putty解决方案:增加腻子中胶量(非纤维)比例,
  Solution: increase the proportion of glue (non fiber) in putty,如聚乙烯醇PVA粉、可再分散粉、其他改性淀粉胶粉、钠基膨润土防水腻子粉等。
  Such as PVA powder, redispersible powder, other modified starch powder, sodium bentonite waterproof putty powder, etc.
  2 .产品后压延粉
  2. Product post calendering powder
  Cause: lack of hydraulic cementitious material or pneumatic cementitious material, lack of film-forming material solution: increase the cementitious material of white cement or lime calcium powder, and increase the proportion of glue (non fiber) of putty.
  3. The product was not powdered at that time, but it will be powdered after a period of time. The reasons are: the lack of film-forming material putty, too much starch adhesive, which will absorb water in the air for a long time, leading to the product powder solution: the proportion of putty added with cementitious materials, such as PVA polyethylene alcohol powder, the phenomenon of latex powder is mainly due to the unreasonable technical proportion of the product; the reasons for the unreasonable construction technology are few; If the base is too dry, the base with large (fast) water absorption shall be sprayed with water or covered with glue first, otherwise the powder will also be dripped (the quality of water-resistant putty is no problem). The main reasons for the Yellow problem of water-resistant putty are as follows:
  Too long yellowing of grey white calcium powder不同地区、不同原料在同一地区的不同矿山,浙江、广西的一些灰质钙品种有泛黄现象,河北灰质钙(钙轻氧化物)不适合在环境潮湿或基层不完全干燥后进行发黄腻子施工一些基础添加剂与油灰发生反应耐水腻子操作性差Different areas and different raw materials in different mines in the same area, some varieties of grey calcium in Zhejiang and Guangxi have yellowing phenomenon. Hebei grey calcium (calcium light oxide) is not suitable for yellow putty construction after the environment is humid or the base is not completely dry. Some basic additives react with oil ash, and the operation of water-resistant putty is poor缺乏改善操作性的材料(纤维素、木纤维)
  Lack of materials to improve operability (cellulose, wood fiber)灰钙粉等填料的细度不够,胶凝材料(PVA粉、改性淀粉)过干,吸水量大。
  The fineness of filler such as lime and calcium powder is not enough, the cementitious material (PVA powder, modified starch) is too dry, and the water absorption capacity is large.
  Poor water resistance of water resistant putty灰钙粉、白水泥等填充料比例小,(325目以上通过90%胶凝材料的用量少(PVA粉、改性淀粉),底料过干,吸水多,导致腻子不能完全粉化。
  The proportion of lime calcium powder, white cement and other fillers is small, (the amount of 90% cementitious material passing through 325 mesh is small (PVA powder, modified starch), the bottom material is too dry, and the water absorption is too much, so the putty can not be completely powdered.
  以上是济南腻子粉厂家为大家介绍的相关内容,想要了解更多内容,欢迎访问网站:The above is the relevant content introduced by Jinan putty powder manufacturer. To learn more, please visit the website: