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来源: 日期:2019-01-29 发布人:

外墙腻子是用来找平墙体的基材处理材料,主要 作用是在施工中填嵌墙体缺陷及平整表面,为接下来 的涂料施工提供一个平整的基材,保证涂饰工程顺利 进行。在我国,外墙腻子的使用是近几年才被施工单 位所接受的。我国外墙腻子的发展,大致可分为以下几个阶段。

  Exterior wall putty is a base material for leveling the wall. Its main function is to fill in wall defects and smooth surface in construction, providing a flat base material for subsequent paint construction and ensuring the smooth progress of painting engineering. In China, the use of external wall putty has been accepted by construction units only in recent years. The development of putty for exterior wall in China can be roughly divided into the following stages.
  (1) 初外墙涂料饰面很少使用腻子,大多是直接在基材上涂刷涂料。
  (1) At first, putty was seldom used in exterior wall coating, and most of them were painted directly on the base material.
  (2) 当基材有孔洞或龟裂时,局部批刮腻子。
  (2) When there are holes or cracks in the base material, scrape putty locally.
  (3)随着对建筑装修质量要求的提高及涂料新产品的不断推出,基材的平整度日益引起使用单位的普遍重视,而外墙墙体平整度往往达不到施工的要求,施工 单位开始在基材上满刮腻子,使用的多是 107 胶加水 泥、纤维素的传统腻子。
  (3) With the improvement of the quality requirements for building decoration and the introduction of new coatings products, the smoothness of the base material has increasingly attracted the attention of the users, while the smoothness of the external wall often fails to meet the construction requirements. Construction units began to scrape putty on the base material, mostly using 107 glue and cement, cellulose traditional putty.
  (4) 施工人员对外墙腻子观念淡薄,为通过验收,常常使用性能低劣的外墙腻子,甚至出现了将内墙腻子 外用的现象,缺少对内外墙腻子存在差别的认识,刮涂腻子的厚度虽然开始增加,但随之而来的是腻子层过厚导致的外饰面起皮、脱落等工程质量问题。
  (4) Construction personnel have a weak idea of putty for external wall. In order to pass the acceptance, they often use putty for external wall with inferior performance, and even use putty for external use. There is a lack of understanding of the difference between putty for internal wall and external wall. Although the thickness of scraping putty begins to increase, it is accompanied by engineering quality problems such as peeling and shedding of the outer surface caused by the excessive thickness of putty layer.
  (5) 通过大量实践及工程质量分析,人们逐渐意识 到内墙腻子与外墙腻子是有区别的,二者使用的环境及部位不同,要求产品达到的性能也不同。
  (5) Through a lot of practice and engineering quality analysis, people gradually realize that there is a difference between the inner wall putty and the outer wall putty. They use different environments and parts and require different products to achieve different performance.
  (6) 内墙腻子行业标准 JG / T 3049 — 1998( 建筑室 内用腻子》于 1998 年 12 月 1 日 正式实施。随着内墙腻 子的大面积推广使用和产品的逐步规范化,人们也逐 步认识到腻子在涂装工程中所起到的重要作用。一方面,与内墙涂装类似,由腻子质量问题所引起的涂装弊病在外墙涂装中同样存在。另一方面,随着外墙涂饰 工程的不断增加,各建筑单位在工程实践中逐步认识 到外墙腻子的重要性及腻子质量与涂饰工程质量是密 不可分的。各种外墙腻子产品也应运而生且逐渐被建 设单位及施工单位所接受。
  (6) Internal wall putty industry standard JG/T 3049-1998 (building indoor putty) was formally implemented on December 1, 1998. With the popularization and standardization of interior wall putty in a large area, people have gradually realized the important role of putty in painting engineering. On the one hand, similar to interior wall painting, the painting defects caused by putty quality problems also exist in exterior wall painting. On the other hand, with the continuous increase of exterior wall finishing projects, various construction units gradually realize the importance of exterior wall putty and the quality of putty is inseparable from the quality of painting projects. Various kinds of putty products for exterior walls have emerged as the times require and are gradually accepted by construction units and construction units.
  (7) 过去由于没有统一标准,外墙腻子的生产和应 用十分混乱,产品质量参差不齐,低价位的腻子层出不 穷,外墙涂饰工程的质量特别是裂纹的产生未得到很 好地解决。外墙腻子标准的制订迫在眉睫。
  (7) In the past, due to the lack of uniform standards, the production and application of putty for exterior walls were very confused, the quality of products was uneven, low-cost putty emerged in endlessly, and the quality of exterior wall finishing engineering, especially the generation of cracks, was not well solved. The formulation of standards for putty on exterior walls is imminent.
  The above content is published by Jinan Putty Powder. More related content can be consulted by clicking on our official website: /