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来源: 日期:2022-09-22 发布人:

It is generally necessary to apply putty for 1-3 times, so there will be 1-3 layers of putty. Many community owners look for putty, and the putty of their own walls often appears delamination today. So what is the reason? How to deal with it? Now Jinan putty powder manufacturer will answer for you.
1. As the water resistant putty powder used is slower than the type, the hardness of the current product will increase with the extension of time when it is scraped on the wall or when it is wet or wet. During the construction, the time interval between the previous and the next batch is long. When the latter is completed, it will start to polish. The outer layer is loose and easy to polish. When some parts are worn through to the previous layer, the previous layer will be placed for a long time and hard, It is not easy to polish, so two different effects on the wall surface will form a similar layered phenomenon.
2. After batch scraping, the hardness of the outer surface film will be different from that of the surface layer due to the influence of damp weather, water and other factors such as too solid pressure, too smooth finish and long time interval. When grinding, the inner layer is loose and easy to be worn deep due to the different hardness of the surface film and the surface layer, while the hardness of the surface film is high and not easy to be polished, which will result in delamination.
Handling method:
1. After the completion of the previous construction, the time interval is long because the construction cannot be completed at one time due to other reasons, or due to wet weather, rainy season, water and other reasons; It is suggested that two layers of putty powder should be applied during the next construction, so as to avoid the delamination caused by the bottom being worn down during polishing.
2. When scraping the next layer, care should be taken not to press it too tightly. The wall surface to be polished should not be polished, and the pinholes and knife marks on the surface should be flattened. In case of wet weather (commonly known as Shuinantian) and rainy season, the operation should be suspended, and the operation can only be started when the weather improves. In case of wet weather or rain after scraping, polish immediately the next day to avoid polishing delamination caused by water absorption and hardening of wall surface film.
Note: 1. The wall surface after compaction and polishing should not be polished;
2. Operation shall be stopped in rainy season or wet weather, especially in mountainous areas where the weather is changeable.
3. Water resistant putty powder shall be polished within one week under normal conditions after construction.
What is the cause of putty delamination? The reasons and solutions for the putty delamination are explained above. If the putty delamination is required, the cracked layer shall be removed. The new putty shall be used for plastering. Pay attention to the spacing of the three putty works. More relevant content will come to our website Consult!